Neuroscience Performance Coaching
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Whatโ€™s different about Neuroscience Behavior & Strengths Assessments?

There are many jobs that are performance based. Neuroscience has been proven to provide the insights necessary to help improve performance with specific way to help support a growth mindset while minimizing the barriers of a fixed mindset. 

Think about the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. People who exhibit the traits of the growth mindset will keep going in adversity and find ways to get the job done. People with a fixed mindset will hit a wall and give up or just fail to try. When we use behavior or strengths assessments on their own, neither can tell you how the individual will perform and what thinking is causing the lack of performance. Have you ever hired someone who was supposed to be the perfect fit, but something just didn’t work out or performance problems developed after the 90-day probationary time frame? 

If you said yes, from a behavioral standpoint, it was probably stress that caused this person to move...

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Chris Bowen: Certified WFH Sales Champ


Chris Bowen has the thinking of a top 10% performer in outside sales.  His mindset is a model we use in hiring and developing a team of sales champs!

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The Mindset Of The "New A-Player" Sales Executive

Do you know whether or not you have a mindset that is helping you to get ahead or if you have negative thoughts impacting your performance?  There are many jobs that are performance based and knowing will help elevate your performance by 10-30%. 

The Think-X profile is unique in its ability to tell if the individual will be able to perform given their current thinking and mindset. Think about the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset for example. People who exhibit the traits of the growth mindset will keep going in adversity and find ways to get the job done. People with a fixed mindset will hit a wall and give up. When it comes to behavior or strengths assessments, neither of these can tell you how they will perform and what thinking is causing the lack of performance. Have you ever hired someone who was supposed to be the perfect fit, but something just didn’t work out or performance problems developed after the 90-day...

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Word of Mouth Tactics - Part 2

Hi Champ!

In the last post we started our series on word of mouth and talked about how to make your customers purchasing experience a short, easy one. We are going to continue with that theme a bit today. We’re going to talk about the power of word of mouth and how to mold it to your advantage.

The reality is everyone needs an advisor to guide them to make a decision. We rely on the expertise of others to make the right decisions as they are explained to us. When you take the time to understand exactly what and how word of mouth works, you’ll see all the great advantages it has to offer you. Remember this path when working to understand word of mouth:

  • Accelerate the decision making process for increased profits.
  • You can accelerate product making decisions by making the process easier.
  • Instead of low-ball advertising and the used car salesman approach, try delivering on your word of mouth promises.


Traditional advertising draws about one response for every...

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Word of Mouth Tactics - Part 1

Hi Champ!

Today we’ll start a new series talking all about Word of Mouth and how it can make or break your business in an extremely short amount of time. In this first lesson we’ll get a feel for what exactly word of mouth is.

Word of Mouth (also known as advocacy as a result of an ideal customer experience) is easily the most powerful form of marketing and is absolutely free. People talk about ads they see, experiences they have and the products they purchase. If you treat people right and spread the word about your new products/services in a positive way, you’ll attract the right customers and clients who will sustain your business for a long time.

Now, as positive as word of mouth can be for your business, the other side of the coin is how negative it can be as well. Bad news seems invariably to travel faster than good news and if you have a less than high-quality product or weak customer service system, then your customers will tell everyone they know to not...

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Scaling Up 3: Maximize Your Resources

Hi Champ!

In the last post we talked about three more ways you can work on maximizing your current resources. They included:

  • Reveal your business’ soul
  • From breaking even to breaking the bank
  • Stand up and stand out

Today we’ll talk about the last three areas you can work on to maximize your current resources. They are:

  • An offer they can’t refuse
  • Would you like fries with that?
  • Stay away from the edge of the cliff

An Offer They Can’t Refuse

The secret to success is to stay ahead of your competitors- maintain the competitive edge. To do that you need make it easier for your customers/clients to say “yes” rather than “no”. You do this by eliminating all the psychological, financial, physical, emotional and other roadblocks they may have.

You can take the risks for them by offering warranties and guarantees that make the customer feel more confident in you, your business and your products/services. You also must be serious about your...

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Scaling Up 2: Maximize Your Resources

Hi Champ!

Last time we talked about the first three areas to work through in maximizing your current resources. They were:

  • Recognize the obvious
  • Unconventional breakthroughs
  • Face the facts

 Today we'll cover the next three, which are:

  • Reveal your business’ soul
  • From breaking even to breaking the bank
  • Stand up and stand out

Reveal Your Business’ Soul

Every business has a soul and you likely felt it the strongest when your business was just starting. It’s that passion, newness and momentum you had at the very beginning. Sometimes that can get lost along the way as your business gets stagnant and set in its ways. You have to break out of that rut and get back to your business’ true soul.

The philosophy of putting your client’s needs above your own is the true key to success. You need to serve your clients not sell to them. They want to build a relationship based on trust, not a used car. Add to these responsibilities your ability to solve...

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Scaling Up: Maximizing Your Resources

Hi Champ!

Over the next few posts we’re going to talk about how to take a hard look at your current resources and get the most out of them. This can help your capital go further and increase your profit margin.

Today we’ll cover three different ways to maximize what you already have. These include:

  • Recognize the obvious
  • Unconventional breakthroughs
  • Face the facts


Recognize the Obvious

Sometimes when you are too close to something, you can’t make out the big picture. You need to step back and really take a hard look at the resources you currently have in front of you. You are surrounded by opportunities that can boost your career and help your business become more successful.  Quick wins can come from focusing on the following.

  • Safety
  • People
  • Cleanliness
  • Accounts Payable

Unconventional Breakthroughs

Don’t sit around waiting for breakthroughs you need to create them yourself. A breakthrough is merely a new way of doing things or finding a new...

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5 Killer Mistakes - Part 3

Hi Champ!

The last 2 posts covered the first four of the killer mistakes you can make that will not only make you lose a big client, but possibly your entire company. Today we’re going to talk about the fifth killer mistake: Up Cash Creek Without a Paddle.

Even when business is good there’s still a chance of running out of cash flow. You have to always be prepared for a slow in sales or a surge in expenses. One of the keys to balancing your cash flow is to get your clients to pay on time. This can seem like a nightmare, but is absolutely essential to a successful business.

Here are some tips to speed up the payment process:

  • Always send invoices on time and adjust your records for potential audits.
  • Learn how the client processes payments on their side and find out precisely where to send invoices.
  • Find out who’s in charge of processing orders and payment, so you know who to contact if needed.
  • Have a follow-up procedure in place, just in case.
  • As a last resort, call...
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5 Killer Mistakes - Part 2

5 Killer Mistakes - Part 2

In the last post we covered the first two of the 5 biggest mistakes you can make in dealing with big clients. Today we’ll cover the third and fourth ones:

#3 Taking on More Than You Can Handle.

When you take on too much, your business can’t keep up and therefore you can easily lose control of everything and find yourself barely functioning. You want your business to be successful, no doubt, but you need to have a plan for how you will handle the growth. Your clients expect great customer service and highly quality products/services, they don’t know or care about your behind the scenes operations to get those things done.

  • Look for these signs that you are taking on more than you can handle:
  • Clients’ needs aren’t being met.
  • Employee morale is low, clients are upset and you’re in a panic.
  • You have to react in emergency mode to save accounts.
  • Your current clients are suffering from trying to keep up with new business.
  • ...
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