Neuroscience Performance Coaching
Fractional CXO Leadership & Revenue Enablement Services | Hire Develop & Retain Sales Champs | Neuroscience AI Knowledge Base Development & Succession Planning

Unlocking the Secrets of Effective Succession Planning: AI + Neuroscience Approach

Succession planning is not just a critical process; it's the cornerstone of ensuring seamless transitions in key leadership roles. By leveraging the power of knowledge-based content creation AI and the transformative insights of neuroscience performance thinking mapping, we offer an unparalleled approach to preparing your next generation of leaders. Secure your organization's future with a strategy that's cost effective, innovative, measurable and scientifically proven.

Key benefits to proactive planning include:

  1. Ensures Business Continuity
    • Minimizes disruptions during leadership transitions.
    • Maintains operational stability and confidence among stakeholders.
  2. Identifies and Develops Future Leaders
    • Recognizes high-potential employees early.
    • Provides targeted development opportunities and training.
  3. Enhances Employee Retention
    • Demonstrates commitment to employee growth and career progression.
    • Increases employee engagement and loyalty.
  4. Mitigates Risks
    • Reduces the risk of...
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Imposter Syndrome is the IMPOSTER (not You)!

Imposter Syndrome is the BIGGEST deception we play on ourselves.  So, why do we do this to ourselves?

Here are the main causes and how to kick it to the curb for good:

High expectations & unrealistic standards for oneself 
Taking failure personally, so then one has a…
Fear of failure
Over-reliance on receiving praise

Now, here's how we get rid of it together:

Recognize and acknowledge feelings of inadequacy are common.
Reframe negative thoughts with more positive and realistic affirmations.
Set realistic goals with bite-sized ones framed as action-steps.
Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist.
Celebrate successes no matter how small.
Practice self-compassion.
Keep a SMILE FILE or a success journal.
Focus on learning and growth as part of the journey and goal.
Limit comparisons
Embrace imperfection because perfection is ALWAYS the enemy of success.

If you need help overcoming Imposter Syndrome… Let's chat!


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Overcoming Cynicism in the New Normal

One of the leading causes that hinders our growth, as well as our personal and financial success is cynicism. In recent years, many have experienced a marked increase in cynicism, and due to social media... possibly envy.

It has become critical for us to move towards trust, enthusiasm and courage through our own acts of willful volition and change of mindset. Should we opt for mental stagnation, we shall never achieve our goals.


Here are 3 Effective Ways to Resolve Cynicism as a Barrier to Our Growth:


  1. Cultivate Optimism & Positive Thinking:
    • Actively work on shifting negative thoughts towards more positive and optimistic perspectives.
    • Practice gratitude daily by acknowledging and appreciating positive aspects of our lives.
    • Replace cynical thoughts with affirmations that focus on possibilities and constructive outcomes.
  2. Challenge and Reframe Negative Beliefs:
    • Identify and challenge cynical beliefs by questioning their validity and exploring...
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Whatโ€™s different about Neuroscience Behavior & Strengths Assessments?

There are many jobs that are performance based. Neuroscience has been proven to provide the insights necessary to help improve performance with specific way to help support a growth mindset while minimizing the barriers of a fixed mindset. 

Think about the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. People who exhibit the traits of the growth mindset will keep going in adversity and find ways to get the job done. People with a fixed mindset will hit a wall and give up or just fail to try. When we use behavior or strengths assessments on their own, neither can tell you how the individual will perform and what thinking is causing the lack of performance. Have you ever hired someone who was supposed to be the perfect fit, but something just didn’t work out or performance problems developed after the 90-day probationary time frame? 

If you said yes, from a behavioral standpoint, it was probably stress that caused this person to move...

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Chris Bowen: Certified WFH Sales Champ


Chris Bowen has the thinking of a top 10% performer in outside sales.  His mindset is a model we use in hiring and developing a team of sales champs!

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Why You Need Mindset Measurements In Your Talent Selection Process

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Champs Use Neuroscience To Acquire and Develop High Performers

With this change in our working environment, you may notice that the capabilities and skills needed for sales success in the work from home (WFH) environment are different than your “old” A-Player profile.  The pressure is building and the need to make the right decision or reply to “what now” and “how do we generate revenue in record time” is apparent.  Smart Leaders are turning to neuroscience to make better decision, reduce stress and develop better thinking in their teams in order to meet the challenges of 2020 and beyond.

As a young sales leader I was given 3 main goals by the president upon being hired as the Sales Manager for a fortune 500.  These goals were written on the corner of a torn piece of paper.  They were then, and still are, the top goals for sales leaders who are given the monumental task to increase revenue.

  1. Grow new business
  2. Increase existing business
  3. Train up or move out underperformers

Given my...

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The Mindset Of The "New A-Player" Sales Executive

Do you know whether or not you have a mindset that is helping you to get ahead or if you have negative thoughts impacting your performance?  There are many jobs that are performance based and knowing will help elevate your performance by 10-30%. 

The Think-X profile is unique in its ability to tell if the individual will be able to perform given their current thinking and mindset. Think about the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset for example. People who exhibit the traits of the growth mindset will keep going in adversity and find ways to get the job done. People with a fixed mindset will hit a wall and give up. When it comes to behavior or strengths assessments, neither of these can tell you how they will perform and what thinking is causing the lack of performance. Have you ever hired someone who was supposed to be the perfect fit, but something just didn’t work out or performance problems developed after the 90-day...

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Word of Mouth Tactics - Part 3

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2019

Hi Champ!

Last time we talked about the second part of word of mouth tactics which help you put together a system to help shorten the purchasing decision time of your customers which can increase your profits immensely.

Today we’re going to talk about the nine levels of word of mouth which gives you a tool to measure the word of mouth circulating around your company, products and services. You can then see where you are getting negative or weak word of mouth and find ways to correct it.

So, launching into the nine levels of word of mouth-it should seem relatively obvious that the negative levels are, well, negative and the positive levels are positive.

Minus 4

This is the worst of the worst and means your product is creating a scandal. Remember, when the CEO of Uber was caught on camera acting belligerent and creating a sexist culture? Yea, you won’t want that kind of word of mouth.

Minus 3

Disgruntled customers are going out of their way to convince other consumers from...

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Word of Mouth Tactics - Part 2

Hi Champ!

In the last post we started our series on word of mouth and talked about how to make your customers purchasing experience a short, easy one. We are going to continue with that theme a bit today. We’re going to talk about the power of word of mouth and how to mold it to your advantage.

The reality is everyone needs an advisor to guide them to make a decision. We rely on the expertise of others to make the right decisions as they are explained to us. When you take the time to understand exactly what and how word of mouth works, you’ll see all the great advantages it has to offer you. Remember this path when working to understand word of mouth:

  • Accelerate the decision making process for increased profits.
  • You can accelerate product making decisions by making the process easier.
  • Instead of low-ball advertising and the used car salesman approach, try delivering on your word of mouth promises.


Traditional advertising draws about one response for every...

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