Hi Champ!
In the last post we talked about making first contact with your prospective big fish and how to make a positive first impression. Today we’re going to talk about a key component outlined in our book Sell Like A Champ that will help you land the big fish. Knowing your preferred behavior style and having high levels of EQ will help you understand the personality of your prospective big fish. Higher levels of EQ help you understand if and when modifications are needed to build trust and rapport quickly. Or, if you are not the right fit, match the right salesperson to the big fish.
You need to:
Where are YOU and the Prospect in the Sales Process?
To be a sales champ, you need to know the desirable traits for each behavior style and potential buyer. The approach and value proposition you use may be the most important step in connecting with your prospect. A first impression is very strong and hard to overcome if received negatively. That first interaction should pique interest in you and your product or service to move the buyer from no interest to low interest. Take time to understand their style and formulate an approach to fit them. Sales is an emotional process and you need to appeal to those that are controlled or highly emotional to connect and build trust. Do they talk slow or fast? Do they talk loud of soft? Slow and soft will tell you they are most likely an analytical or amiable behavior style. Talking fast and loud will tell you they are most likely an expressive or driver behavior style. Relationship topics point to amiable and expressive while project timelines and goals point more toward analytical and driving socials styles.
Here is an example into the preferred wants and needs for each:
Analyticals share the overall goal and need to be right. In early sales stages you and your value proposition should…
Driver’s share the overall goal and need to be in control. In early sales stages you and your value proposition should…
Amiable’s share the overall goal and need to have stability and harmony with others. In early sales stages you and your value proposition should…
Expressive’s share the overall goal and need to be recognized as significant. In early sales stages you and your value proposition should…
The above was taken directly from our book Sell Like A Champ.
These can all be successful when each is used in the right selling environment. You can easily see how matching the right salesperson for the client can secure more big fish and for a longer period of time.
If you need help figuring out which of your salespeople fit into these areas, you can contact us for Sell Like A Champ training or try our FREE test drive and work with one of our amazing coaches to get your big fish plan in action.
Need more sales? Get your FREE copy of our book Sell Like a Champ here:
Be A Champ!
Evan Sanchez
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